Member-only story
Think before you Post. Or Speak.
An Invitation to pay Tribute to RBG and our Highest Selves.

The world feels very black and white right now. Polarization seems at its worst. You are either for or against something and woe to those who try and find the middle ground or ask questions. I am exaggerating of course but I think you get what I mean. The posts are coming fast and furiously “Democrats versus Republicans” or “Masks versus not masks” and of course that is just the tip of the veritable iceberg. Everyone has a strong opinion and most people aren’t afraid to share them. The question I have been wondering about for a while now is does anyone ever change their opinion after reading something someone posts?
Honestly, from what I can tell it doesn’t happen often. People tend to either be preaching to the choir to people who think exactly like them or they get argued with, blocked, unfriended, or “canceled” by those who don’t. Every once in a while, however, you see someone sharing something that is so clear and paves the way to consider things differently. The person who wrote it is neither blaming nor shaming but wrote in a way that invites the “other” to look at things differently. In other words, they shared authentically what they know is True (with a capital Universal T) from their hearts.